
Entity Definition

Logical Name : RecallEvent
Physical Name : CO_RCL_EV

A type of event that instructs the retailer to cease selling and notify consumes to return products that are deemed unsafe to use or consume.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
EventID (FK)(PK) A unique, automatically assigned identifier for the Event ID_EV Identity integer
InternalRecallID A number, code, or other value that identifies a specific recall event. This is the internal (to the retailer) identifier. ID_RCL_INTRN Identity integer
ExternalRecallID A number, code, or other value that identifies a specific recall event. This is the external (to the retailer) identifier. ID_RCL_EXTRN Identity integer
IssuedByPartyID (FK) A unique, system assigned identity for the Party that issued the RecallEvent ID_PRTY Identity integer Party(PA_PRTY)
Instruction Free text of instructions for the Worker's that are assigned to perform this Event. DE_INSTR DescriptionNarrative varchar(4000)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
Party issues RecallEvent
RecallEvent impacts RecallEventItem
Event can be a RecallEvent

Logical Views containing RecallEvent

Logical View
Logical 21000 - Fresh Item Management Macro View